In-Home Sleep Study - Disposable Device
Do you snore or stop breathing throughout the night? If you do, it could be dangerous to your health and you may want to consider a Sleep Study.
Going into a sleep clinic is not convenient or comfortable so let us help you with CPAP Ninja's fast and easy In-Home Sleep Study.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is commonly known for its vital sign of snoring. It is a condition that will cause you to have an interruption of breathing throughout your night. These apnea episodes can last up to 10 seconds or longer and will repeat while you are sleeping. With Sleep Apnea, you will awake tired and may find yourself falling asleep throughout the day. Obstructive Sleep Apnea affects one billion people and can lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or even high blood pressure. According to physicians, 80% of all cases will go undiagnosed. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea, but there are several types. Do not be one of those cases. If you feel that you snore or someone tells you that you stop breathing throughout the night, take a look at what we have to offer. This may help improve your quality of life and help you have a good night’s sleep.
CPAP Ninja In-Home Sleep Study- Polysomnography
Our in-home sleep study is a single-use, disposable Home Sleep Apnea Test. It will offer simplicity, accuracy, and reliability while decreasing your risk of infection. Our easy study measures up to 7 channels while using 3 points of contact. It will monitor heart rate, Blood Oxygen or oximetry, brain waves, breathing as well as body position, snoring, chest movement. Our sleep study will provide an AHI, AHIc, RDI, and ODI based upon your True Sleep Time and staging. This unique feature of capturing True Sleep Time is especially important and our clinician can review your sleep study and begin giving you your data results. This is completed by your data interpretation with a cloud-based solution, which results in no return equipment shipment. It is as accurate as a sleep study done within a sleep lab using only a wrist Actigraphy to measure your sleep parameters. So, for fast, simple, convenient testing look to CPAP Ninja. Better sleep is just around the corner!
- Non-Invasive
- Reliable
- Easy to Use
- Single-Use For Sanitation
- No Deposit - No Need to Return Shipping/ No Cleaning
- Accurate Cloud-Based Data
What we Measure in your Sleep Study
- AHI - Apnea or Hypopnea per hour
- AHI Severity Scale
- Oxygen and Heart Rate
- Sleep Stages
- Snoring Statistics
- Heart Rate
- Blood Oxygen