DC Power
The SimplyGo mini DC Adapter is simply the perfect addition to your SimplyGo. This is a great addition for users who use their oxygen concentrator on the go in the car. By allowing you to plug this 12V DC power cord into the cigarette outlet in your car or another 12V outlet available to you and then into your car, it gives you a worry-free mind knowing you can use it all the time. It is compact in design and can be used when either charging your battery or powering the Oxygen Concentrator. Keep in mind that it will charge in the flow settings of 1-3. We definitely recommend this item as a Must Have for avid travelers around the world.
This DC Power cord and supply are designed for use in cars and most 12V Cigarette lighter power outlets but it is versatile enough to work on boats if you like boating, trucks, and any other vehicle that carries this style of plug-in. Therefore your possibilities of usage are never-ending! Also, please keep in mind that this adapter is designed to be used only with the SimplyGoPOC mini(Portable Oxygen Concentrator.
Special Note:
When the SimplyGo and DC adapter are connected together the device will charge the battery in the concentrator automatically even if the machine is not operating.